Announcing Rolling Enrollment — Sign Up To Help Form the Next Class
Christianity Explored is an informal way to investigate Christianity or just brush up on the basics. It explores who Jesus is, why he came and what it means to follow him.
- You don’t need to know anything about the Bible.
- You won’t be asked to read aloud, pray or sing.
- You can ask any question you want
Who: You! You’re invited!
What: A ten week Christianity Explored class meeting weekly. For more information about the course, visit the course web site. A light meal will be served at the start of each meeting, followed by a video presentation and some discussion. There is also an optional (but recommended) one day getaway midway through the course where we’ll explore what the Christian life looks like.
When: We are now forming classes through an open rolling enrollment. Simply fill out the form below expressing your interest and letting us know what times are best for you. As we get enough interested people, we’ll then contact you with the class time and location. There is no obligation for signing up, it just allows us to form classes on a rolling basis as interest demands.
Where: Classes will be held at our church at 1445 Technology Lane A1 in Petaluma.
Why: It’s time to discover… who Jesus is, why he came, and what it means to follow him!
Cost: Free!
Have more questions? Please contact us.
Yes, I’m Interested
Please register your interest using the form below. You’ll then be placed on a waiting list to be notified of the time and location for the next class. On the first day of the class, you’ll be supplied with a Christianity Explored Study Guide and a Bible.