Introducing the Trinity Blog

Trinity Presbyterian Church has launched a blog! For now, the intentions for this blog are threefold.

Teaching Ministry: Blog & Podcast

Actually, the site has had this functionality since 2008.  This functionality was previously known as the “Sermon Online Podcast”.  The audio and manuscripts for sermons and Sunday Schools will continue to be available through this expanded blog.  This information can be subscribed to via our podcast feed.

Church Events

Notable church events, with occasional photos, will be reported on in this main category of the blog.

Church Distinctives

People often ask what makes Trinity Presbyterian Church unique.  Though we don’t claim to be doing anything unique, per se, there are a number of things that make us distinct, particularling in Novato and Marin County.  Some of these disctinctives are primarily theological in nature.  Others are very practical items based on various convictions we hold dear.  Many of these distinctives are surely held independently by various churches and denominations.  Taken together, however, they paint a specific picture about what best describes us as a ministry.  This section of the blog will feature short entries that define and explain these different aspects about us that make us distinct.


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